Comfrey macerate with vitamin E
8,99 €
Oil - Comfrey macerate
INCI: Helianthus anuus *, Symphytum officinale ** , tocopherol (vitamin E).
*certified organic. **organically cultivated in our own herbal garden.
Comfrey root is renowned among herbalists for its ability to heal skin, mucous membranes, bones (one of its oldest English common names is 'knitbone') and other connective tissues. This macerate can be incorporated into ointments, poultices and compresses to speed the healing of broken bones, sprained or torn ligaments and tendons and slow-healing skin lesions, such as boils, sores and varicose ulcers.
Comfrey also contains natural allantoin, a by-product of the plant's metabolism that has been found to have moisturising, soothing and regenerative effects on human skin cells. This special property of Comfrey helps (sensitive) skin to be more resilient and counteract dryness. It is good for a damaged or rough skin, can reduce wrinkles and restore elasticity.
Note that the root and fresh leaves of all Symphytum species are currently banned by the EU for internal applications. This was and continues to be a controversial decision. Until the controversy is resolved we therefore recommend Comfrey product for external applications only.
Available in 100ml in a brown glass or PET bottle.